Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Abraham Lincoln was a Tyrant

That is the title of a Facebook group I recently stumbled upon. Dedicated to vilifying the 16th president and exposing “his true intentions,” the 300+ member group was founded by a Texas State University student. Curious to learn more, I joined the network and its like-minded discussion.

Immediately, I took to issue some of the points expressed. Many of the messages espouse an unusual bitterness, portraying the president and the Union as abusive foreign aggressors and even comparing Lincoln to Hitler. As one member excitedly stated, "Hell yes there is a smart group about Lincoln."

As I joined the discussion, I made it a priority to remind participants that Lincoln served during the Civil War – a war that began before he took the oath of office and a war that sliced our country through its middle. I strongly believe that had it not been for many of Lincoln's thoughts, words, and actions, the impact of American on American violence would have destroyed the United States and its declaration.

The responses I received were heated. I was labeled ignorant and disputed on all points. Soon after I realized the scope of this group:

“If there's one thing I’ve taken away from this group it's the lack of rationality and judgment. The 'truths' expressed here present only half and partial versions. No one here seems interested in stepping back and addressing the larger issues facing America and its survival. Furthermore, I wonder if any of you have ever even read the Gettysburg Address. In an era when the politics and ideologies were much more partisan than today, Lincoln was the one public figure preaching democratic principle and unification.”

In the week following my correspondence support for the group dropped from 308 members to 301. Since then however, the group has expanded to 311 members as of this writing. Its numbers will likely rise further as celebrations for Lincoln's Bicentennial continue.


"Both parties deprecated war; but one of them would make war rather than let the nation survive; and the other would accept war rather than let it perish. And the war came." Lincoln's Second Inaugural Address, March 4, 1865.


Anonymous said...

Abraham Lincoln did many things that would lead people to call him a tyrant. The truth is that his tyrannous actions are overshadowed by the history writers who have glorified him and skewed the true situation and the actual reality of Abraham Lincoln and his legacy.

By the way, the comment you made below really does show how ignorant you are. Don't flatter yourself by believing that you actually had an impact. "In the week following my correspondence, support for the group dropped from 308 members, to 301"

Hasan S. Aloul said...

My comment regarding a reduction in group support was in no way meant to "flatter myself." It was merely a factual statement. However, for the record, I will note that I also received favorable personal messages from two members who subsequently left the group. With all that said, I truly believe any hostility towards Lincoln is misdirected hostility.

Chris V, you're a muppet. Go read Control Freak again.