Friday, August 31, 2007

Exceptionally Motivated and Defined

*Exceptional - The extraordinary or well above average, it can also denote the rare or unusual.

*Motivation - a feeling often dictated by incentives and which provokes action.

In the last year, my travels, work experiences, readings and daily interactions have significantly reshaped, and in some cases 
reinforced, my outlook on life. These influences have been enough for me to start this blog with the primary goal to connect viewpoints and bridge an understanding of what motivates people. 

According to a fellow blogger, "many bloggers, academics and politicians are not interested in finding out the 'truth'. They already know the truth, it is what they believe. [Instead] They are interested in explaining this truth to everyone else and convincing the unconvinced." I agree with this statement but would take it a step further and argue that truth is subjective, and that its counterpart - objectivity - may be impossible to achieve, let alone satisfy.

Indeed, there's no doubt each one of us sees the world through our own lens. Some people filter and distort things intentionally, some don't see their own biases (call it ignorance, laziness or self deception), and some are paid to make a case. With that said, I hope to share my version of 'truth' and test it with yours.

Regardless, this forum is not limited to merely social, political, economic and cultural topics. Personal experiences, observations, random thoughts, even ‘rants and raves’ will also be included.
In the end, my overall goal is to arouse thought and interest on an array of diverse, thought-provoking and even looney topics. People don’t necessarily have to agree, I just hope they're open-minded enough to read, consider, and comment.


Anonymous said...

Very cool, Hasan "Mother Teresa" Aloul.

Anonymous said...

Cool, you should consider a Master (maybe in Philosophy, you are very good at it). It is always a pleasure to read from people who like to question the unquestioned, to explore the world from a different perspective…